SYCO G++ Library Classes



OAK Class library


(Note: abstract classes are marked with (A) )

Basic classes:
Object (A) (generic base class)
|--Class (metaclass)
|--Clock (Real Time clock)
|--Collection (A) (generic collection of Objects)
| |--ArrayOb (array of pointer to Objects)
| |--Bag (hash table with duplicates)
| |--SeqCltn (A) (indexed generic Collection)
| | |--CircularBuffer  
| | |--Heap  
| | |--LinkedList  
| | |--MinMaxHeap  
| | |--OrderedCltn (canonic Seqltn)
| | | |--SortedCltn (insertion sorted OrderedCltn)
| | | `--Stack  
| | `--VSeqCltn (hooked SeqCltn)
| `--Set (hash table w/o duplicates)
| |--Dictionary (symbol table)
| | `--IdentDict (special symbol table)
| `--IdentSet  
|--Date (date value)
|--Float (holds a float value)
|--FloatPoint (pair of floats)
|--FloatRect (float rectangle)
|--Integer (holds an int value)
|--Istream (extends the standard istream)
|--Iterator (general purpose iterator)
|--Language (for multi-language applications)
|--Link (A) (linkable object)
| `--LinkOb (link-object pair)
|--LookupKey (pointer to an object)
| |--Assoc (key-value pair)
| `--AssocInt (key-int pair)
|--Ostream (extends the standard ostream)
|--Point (an x-y pair)
|--Random (random number generator)
| |--RandomExp (random number generator exponential distribution)
| |--RandomGauss (random number generator gaussian distribution)
| `--RandomLinear (random number generator uniformly distributed)
|--Range (min-max range)
|--String (bullet-proof ASCII string class)
|--SubString (subrange of another String)
|--Symbol (hashed string)
|--Time (time-of-the-day value)
`--TranslCoord (conversion of coordinates)


Rodin - Concurrency and Prototyping


(for synchronize thread)

| |--Runnable

(for multi-threads programming)

| `--SharedCltn

(a shared mailbox)


(the critical section)


(the integer semaphore)

|--Server (A)

(a manager of Services)

| `--MTServer

(a manager of multi-thread Services)

| `--MTWinServer

(a manager of multi-thread Services with graphics)


(.. belonging to a Server)

| `--BaseMTSvcEvtHdlr  
| |--MTSvcEventHandler  
| `--MTWinSvcEventHandler  

(manage the services)

| `--MTServiceToken  

(generic thread)


The Framework for Distributing objects


(base class for object Skeleton)

| |--DistributedStub

(base class for remote Stub)

| |--DistributedServer

(the skeleton for a Server object)


(handler of distributed objects)


(handler of a network connection)


The Framework for RDB Persistency


(base class for database field)

| |--DbBool

(boolean field)

| |--DbDate

(date field)

| |--DbDouble

(double field)

| |--DbLong

(long field)

| |--DbString

(string field)

| |--DbTime

(time field)

| `--DbTimeStamp

(time stamp field)


(manage the link with ODBC)


(generic persistent field)


(central class of the framework)


Mondrian - The Graphic Library


(general information of SimpleIcon)

|--CppWidget (A)

(generic widget = window object)

| |--CppComposite

(container of CppWidgets)

| | |--CppBox

(a generic box)

| | | `--ButtonBox

(box of generic buttons)

| | | `--RadioBox

(box of radio buttons)

| | |--CppForm

(generic form)

| | | `--CppGraphic

(widget for drawing graphic icons)

| | |--DialogShell

(generic dialog widget)

| | | |--FileSelectionDialog

(select file)

| | | |--FormDialog

(generic form dialog)

| | | | |--ListDialog

(dialog with a list)

| | | | `--ParamDialog

(input dialog)

| | | |--MessageDialog

(dialog for message)

| | | `--WorkDialog

(work dialog)

| | |--CppTopLevel

(top level container)

| | |--CppViewport

(manage a window with scrollbars)

| | |--FrameBox

(frame widget)

| | |--MenuBar

(menu bar widget)

| | `--MotifMenu (A)

(generic menu)

| | |--PopupMenu

(popup widget)

| | `--PulldownMenu

(pulldown widget)

| `--CppPrimitive (A)

(generic widget)

| |--CppLabel

(passive text string or icon)

| | |--CppCommand

(sensitive text string or icon)

| | | |--ButtonMenu

(button menu widget)

| | | |--CppCascade

(cascade widget)

| | | `--PushButton

(pushbutton widget)

| | `--ToggleButton

(togglebutton widget)

| |--CppList

(selection list)

| |--CppPixmap

(a pixmap)

| |--CppScrollbar

(a scrollbar)

| |--CppText

(a multi line edit widget)

| | `--LineText

(a single line edit widget)

| `--DrawArea

(widget with double buffering)

| `--DrawArea1Buffer

(widget with single buffering)

|--DrawIcon (A)

(generic drawn element)

| |--CompositeIcon (A)

(a container of DrawIcon)

| `--SimpleIcon (A)

(the parent of the elemental icon)

| |--DrawLine

(a line)

| | |--DrawArc

(an arc)

| | | |--FillArc

(a filled arc)

| | | `--ThickArc

(a thick arc)

| | |--DrawRect

(a rectangle)

| | | `--FillRect

(a filled rectangle)

| | `--DrawString

(a string)

| | |--DrawCenterString

(a centered string)

| | `--DrawImageString

(an image string)

| `--PolyLine

(interconnected segments)

| |--FillPoly

(a filled polygon)

| `--Polygon

(a polygon)

| |--GifDrawer  
| `--PostscriptDrawer  

(output stream in Windows)


(zoommenu widget)


The GUI Library


(the superclass to all sensitive icons)


(.. with an identification string)


(.. with a three dimensional frame)

| `--TrendGrid

(.. with a grid for x-y plots)


(a sensitive icon with a value)


(.. with a framed box)

| |--BoxIcon

(the background)

| | |--Istogramma

(one bar of an istogram)

| | `--LevelIcon

(a level)

| |--LabelIcon

(a label)

| | |--CommandIcon

(a pushbutton)

| | `--InputIcon

(an input)

| `--ScrollIcon

(.. with the scrollbars)


(a slider icon)


(to transform draws into animated icons)

| |--FixedBox

(.. by changing the color)

| `--StringIcon

(.. by changing a string)


(.. for plotting analog signals)


(an analogic signal)


(Run-time kernel of graphical interfaces)


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This page last updated on Jan 14, 2000.
Copyright © 1990-2000 SYCO S.a.s.